Monday, September 22, 2008

Doesn't need a title.


Anonymous said...

I have a title suggestion, it's not original but its accurate: More lies and the lying liars who tell them., "Obama (Sept. 5): The bottom line is this. If you’ve got a rifle, you’ve got a shotgun, you’ve got a gun in your house, I’m not taking it away. Alright? So they can keep on talking about it but this is just not true. And by the way, here’s another thing you’ve got to understand. Even if I wanted to take it away, I couldn’t get it done. I don’t have the votes in Congress."

Why don't you say something positive about you candidate instead of bashing others with lies. You could point out that McCain opposes the $700,000,000,000 Wallstreet bailout, I applaude him for that. I still can't support him and Palin though.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe what Obama said about not taking guns. His voting record doesn't show that.

Heck, I'd beleive that Obama doesn't believe what he said.

Anonymous said...

The only honest thing he said was " I don’t have the votes in Congress."

Anonymous said...

Guess we'll just have to wait and see how the election turns out in November. I feel bad for the republicans... It must be depressing to know that there is NO possible way they can win this election.

Anonymous said...

Yea, with the mainstream media covering for Obama, especially on his relationship with terrorist William Ayers, a majority of the public with be fooled into voting for the Marxist trained Obama.

Anonymous said...

And now, Obama is trying to take down the First Amendment because he doesn't like the truth that's show in the ad.

Obama will be dangerous for this country if he wins. Far more dangerous than GW...

Anonymous said...

Dangerous? Fake dangerous like the WMDs in Iraq, or really dangerous like bank deregulation?

Anonymous said...

Saddam used WMD's on his own people. It's quite reasonable to believe that he still had them.

And the bank deregulation was agreed upon by Clinton and Republicans. It's both sides that wanted it. But some Republicans were trying to fix things starting back in 2004. And 17 of the top 25 recipients of cash from Fannie Mae/Freedie Mac were Democrats. Trying to pin it on just Republicans is idiotic.

Anonymous said...

It's quite reasonable to admit that the Bush administration lied and Americans have died because of it.

Regarding the credit "crisis," I swear to God that I heard Bush say, "the market is not functioning properly." That is idiotic! The market will always function properly. The government, Dems and GOP, failed to anticipate how it would react to the convervatives deregulation. If Bush trips and skins his knee, will he claim that gravity is not functioning properly?

Now, congress will step in and dig the hole a little deeper because Bush told another scary story about how the sky is gonna fall if we don't spend about a trillion bucks.

Bush, McCain and gjb are all participating in the same Republican stratagy of telling scary stories to try to get their way. WMDs are scary, the economy is vewy scawy, Barak is vewy vewy scawy.

Don't you think Palin being one heartbeat from the presidency is a little scary? I know you do, but will you dmit it?

Anonymous said...

I don't normally respond to childish posts, but...

Sorry, but from my point of view, Sarah Palin is more qualified that Barak Obama. And I have no problem with her being VP.

And I think the bailout was a mistake and funny how it was Democrats supporting Bush on it more than Republicans supporting Bush.

Anonymous said...

Say it ain't so, Joe. Gosh, golly, gee willikers. Doggone it, GJB and I agree on one thing. Well there's somthin fer ya ta think about, huh, yes sirry bob. ;D

The funny thing is, we agree for the same reason I bet. The banking industry should not be federalized or socialized. The market should be the market.

So, do you think it's childish to actually be fiscally conservative and back Obama while fearing 4 more years of Bush/McCain/Palin, or do I need to close my mind and get in lock-step with ya'll?

Ya, I know you don't have to answer the questions that I, or the liberal media, want you to.

"How bout that Sarah Palin, huh. Ehh? What, ehhh? Brownie, err Sarahcuda, you're doing a heck of a job."

Anonymous said...

As a presidential candidate, Barack Obama must demonstrate executive experience, but he remains strangely silent about his eight years (1994-2002) as a director of the Joyce Foundation, a billion dollar tax-exempt organization. He has one obvious reason: during his time as director, Joyce Foundation spent millions creating and supporting anti-gun organizations.

There is another, less known, reason.

During Obama’s tenure, the Joyce Foundation board planned and implemented a program targeting the Supreme Court. The work began five years into Obama’s directorship, when the Foundation had experience in turning its millions into anti-gun “grassroots” organizations, but none at converting cash into legal scholarship.

The plan’s objective was bold: the judicial obliteration of the Second Amendment.

Obama's record shows he is not pro-second amendment. doesn't tell you about Obama's record so what good are they?