Monday, June 18, 2007


It's too wet !
I think some parts of the lawn are going to be subject to "drown out." Makes me think I'm back farming but at least our life savings aren't planted in the lawn like a farmers field is.

Spoiled, whining fans !
Show me another race track with two main features every week. Stop whining about the River Cities Speedway and show me where, anywhere, they have Late Models AND Sprints racing every week throughout the summer. There are a lot of tracks that don't race any higher than Modifieds every week. If the same number of folks that come to each Friday night race, showed up at special events like the Late Model Special, maybe the tickets would be cheaper. Just guessing here as I don't know for sure.

Ex-Wives Club
While working on Joker's training trail log and waiting for my turn on the treadmill (is working & waiting multi-tasking?) I happened to channel surf onto the Ex-Wives Club. Sorta interesting, especially when they blew up Ex-Hubby's pride and joy ski-boat. Wonder what the environmental expense for the clean-up was. Dumping gasoline in the water and throwing a lit flare in the water/gasoline. I wonder how they got the boat to stop where it was when they sent if off from the dock with nobody in it. It was pretty neat watching it explode.

Weather & Dog hair
ND weather! Where it's 90* and humid one day and nearly jacket weather less than 48 hours later. The heat really makes the big dogs shed. My wife claims we get enough hair to make another dog every spring. I hope not. We buy enough dog food and scoop enough poop as it is without adding any more. If someone could come up with a marketable use for doggy doo, count us in.

"Invitation only" blog. Why bother?
What's the deal with Voice of Dakota Blog? Were some of us too hard on her? Too controversial for her "day job"? It seems to work pretty good for 2E at the City Beat but since he does a lot of research for his "day job" it may not work as well for others. I guess there's a difference between having time to write it and wait for it to be seen/read and having to think fast at a microphone. (honestly - I couldn't do justice to either, but don't tell anyone)

Later . . . . .


Eric J. Burton said...

Some good points. Yeah whats up with Dakota, no loss I guess. I used to read it but I am not about to beg to get access to it...

I can't wait for the weekend. WoO,s I can't wait...

Eric J. Burton said...

C.Y. Dakota's blog isn't worth reading anyways. I rarely if ever listen to her show either. Since I got XM radio I don't listen to am or fm radio...