Thursday, December 28, 2006

Let's get this over with.

Threats are being made that if Saddam Hussein is executed the United States will be targeted for more attacks.

I would think if the USA would grow some "orbital fortitude" this could be taken care of in a matter of weeks.

Target every single mosque in Iraq and let the terrorists know they are targeted. Let them know that for every American death, a mosque will disappear from the landscape and then follow through with it.

Not fair to target religion you say?? Well if we are attacked in the name of a religious jihad, the religious icons need to be removed. If there really are moderate Muslims out there, maybe they should come forward and stop those that have supposedly "hijacked their religion"


Anonymous said...

And one should be surprised when the rest of the world hates us... when you (if you had the power) would target everything anti-American (anti-christian) when the "jihadists" are standing up and defending their land?


Mister Bush seems to have plummeted the United States of America into a never-ending holy war smack dab in the region of the world that has been fighting this war for more than two millennium.

And it is you, the neo-con, religious right that have picked up the burning bush (and your bibles) and you want to set fire to the rest of the world because they choose to live differently that what "we" would like them to live.

Liberty and freedom in the United States are at serious risk; and thanks to mindsets like yours (and Mister Bush's and Newt Gingrich's) the totalitarianism that this country seems to want to rid from the rest of the world is not far from becoming reality right here.

Continue on this path. Continue trying to "spread democracy" around the globe. Continue on this path and all we can expect is to be fought to the death and to have the "war" brought to our cities and towns.

If there is a lesson to be learned from the recent passing of President Gerald R. Ford it is this: Mister Bush (his father too) and the neo-con religious right have failed. Their "jihad" has failed. The sooner they (and you) recognize that, the sooner we (all of America) can go back to being the shining beacon of liberty that we once were and what we used to be respected for. Ford new when to pick up the pieces, except the loss and move on, Mister Bush (and all of Ford's men) should take heed of history.

Thanks for letting my vent. Have a happy new year.

C. Y. said...

"And it is you, the neo-con, religious right that have picked up the burning bush (and your bibles) and you want to set fire to the rest of the world because they choose to live differently that what "we" would like them to live."

They brought the war to us on Sept. 11 2001. We need to end it now.

The rest of your post is so much B$ it isn't worth repling to.

Anonymous said...


Give this a read -- Newt Gingrich's First Amendment

C. Y. said...

What's your point? You are free to say whatever you want regardless of Mr. Ginrich's extreme views

You want reading material? try this:

Good Ol' Boy said...

Hey C.Y. I got your back, man. What people like Libertas fail to appreciate is that the REAL freedom is right here. Otherwise, they couldn't spout their platitudinous thumb-sucking diatribes against the administration, could they? You're right about the rest of the rant- it makes no sense, a common thread with Moonbats.
As far as your thoughts go, we were right to take the fight to those tenth-century animals. Our only failing so far has been to waste blood and treasure on half-way efforts. The only thing that tribal culture respects is superior force, and we have that in spades if we would choose to unleash it. I care little if that part of the world LIKES us- they only need respect us.
We have brought freedom and prosperity to the rest of the world through our capitalist system, and if they cannot appreciate that and leave us be to share and enjoy it, then they are the bad guys, certainly not us.
Have a Happy New Year !

Eric J. Burton said...

I don't know CY, It makes my skin boil to read the crap that people like libertas writes, I could give a flying you know what if the rest of the pacifist world hates us. The islamafacist started this mess and hopefully bush will end it.

Happy new year and god bless.

Taurwen said...

"10th century animals"... Interesting point... If you take into account Arabian and Indian culture were much more developed than Christian until about two centuries ago... It doesn't quite make sense, really.
They attacked you? Oh yes... Sure.... And the US never attacked anybody except for self defense, right? I mean... You didn't promove the two gulf wars, did you? And you haven't destroyed the greatest part of the Vietnam forests (I wonder... What the hell do FORESTS and their animals, many of them probably ENDEMIC and under EXCTINTION RISK!!!!! have to do with that imperialistic USA policy...)
I won't speak about the economic pressure the US make upon the entire world...
In my opinion you have all been brainwashed... All you see are movies in which an AMERICAN WHITE GUY kills ASIAN or ARABIAN or RUSSIAN terrorists and saves the world...
Think a bit before writing shit like this...
Ah... And... Those people fight and die for their lands... They know they're gonna die, that they stand no chance, and they still fight... While your Great American Overpower Soldiers first use missiles, then tanks, and then go themselves, with full protective gear and so on...
It's just cowardly...
And when one of them dies the whole wolds comes to know about it.. But when they kill ten, nobody gives a damn...
500 000 americans died in Vietnam? They killed 10 000 000.
2 million jews died in hte Holocaust? alrite, compare with the 28 million russians.
Get my point?
Or you too damn stupid for this?
Ah, and I don't give a fucking damn to how you react to my comments because you, well, it's not worth the fatigue... :D