It's now Sunday afternoon and I've been gone for a few days. Had or maybe still have bronchitis so can hardly talk (as if anyone is listening) and I'm really tired. After this past month or so I was thinking about dumping this blog. It's not like there is any information here that can't be found anywhere else. The only real reason for this was to be able to post comments on a couple of blogs that don't allow anonymous comments and like this couldn't be anonymous anyway. :-)
Even though it's been interesting to spread a little discontent on a few blogs, it's only a small, very, very small, item in the whole grand scheme of things. It's not like we will change each other's minds, it's more like giving our side to the post via a comment.
If you wonder about the
avatar at my comments or the photo in
my profile , they are two of our dogs. This
hound has let me support him on numerous searches, the most recent was Thurs, Fri & Sat on the Red Lake Indian Reservation and before that, near Fourtown, MN. As a team, we are only two of many searchers, with & without dogs, that have been involved in trying to bring some closure to these families. You have to be affected when you deal directly, face to face, with people that have come together, to help someone, even on a day of Thanksgiving. Interacting with the victim's families also has an affect.
And then come home and read the blogs.
I like the blogs that pass on info. That expand on info available elsewhere. Of course, those things that interest me are what I pay more attention to, just as I suppose other things interest others. Some blogs seem like they are just there to expose what they think are injustices and I guess they are interesting too, but I think they suffer more from a lack of facts than lack of justice.
What is the point?
Well it's all interesting but what's interesting? Where does it all fit in the grand scheme of things? Big deal if there's a new restaurant coming to town, but I've met a couple of families that won't be together again to even eat at the same table.
There's always a place for everyone and their thoughts, but we can't take ourselves too serious.
Even those of us that spread a little discontent.